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To see any of the scripts l please go to my GitHub page. 

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Folder Color Structure UE4 Tool:

This tool creates a color folder structure in UE4. This was created so that an Unreal Project can have a universal folder structure that is color coded. I have found that this has increased productivity and streamlined the pipeline in teams that have used this. The color code is written into the UE4 EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini file so that the color codes is transferred across version control software.

To see the process of this tool please check out my blog.

Made with:

  • Visual Studio

  • Python

  • C++

  • UE4 Python

Project Management Tool:

This tool is to help organize projects so that they are easily accessible and manageable. This creates, saves, and delete  projects with their folder structures. The user can delete and open the assets projects from this tool. It also allows the user to create new assets, and it automatically places them in the projects folder structure.

To see the process of this tool please check out my blog.

Made with:

  • Visual Studio

  • Python

  • PyQt

  • QtDesigner


Asset Maker Tool:

This is a pipeline tool I created that helped with folder structure and naming convention. The tool was created so that when a new asset needed to be made, you used the desktop icon. The tool created new files for new assets with the correct naming convention. 

Made with:

  • Visual Studio

  • Python

  • PyQt

  • QtDesigner


Color Calculator:

The color calculator created color swatches and placed them onto the screen. User inputted number values to create colors with names. Depending on the operations performed on two color swatches, the new swatch would have a new name associated with it and the color would have changed. This is used to view what colors would look like together for lighting purposes.

Made with:

  • Python

  • Houdini

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